Thursday, February 20th at 7pm EST

Introducing: “Speakers Needed For Paid Stages!" A Free Recruitment and program event…
1-Day Virtual Program-Event For Speakers To Receive An Opportunity to get coached for recruitment all 2025/2026 …
Also the truth of selling two thousand to fifty thousand dollar premium consulting packages, coaching services, courses & products straight from the stage!
“Turn any stage into A High Premium cash machine & Gain Massive Exposure!
Here’s what to Expect:
This Will Be Message Breakthrough For You!
We will not only show you how to turn your speech into a perfect target marketing clear message – a “machine like” cash consistency, we will also clear up the messaging confusion around your speech and business offers. This makes my clients and I crazy money on and off the stage!
How To Sell Out From The Stage, When We Place You!
The EXACT Methods My Clients And I Use To Create Perfect “High Premium” Package Offers for the Stage.

How To Never Speak For "Free" Again!
A new way to get on stage that doesn’t require waiting & convincing decision makers and event planners.
Also when you get booked to Speak, how to squeeze in an extra high 5-figures From The Stage. Why not?
The chance to get placed on 3 paid stages guaranteed,
no matter your niche!